By Gary D. Stewart
Source: LinkedIn
Australia's CEOs, Bureaucracy Fat-Cats, and Political leadership DO NOT BUY serious Transformation (Reform).
Instead, they BUY - only slightly more efficient versions of what already exists. (i.e. Efficiency Innovation)
This is due to a major exodus of Leadership Competency and Capability over the past 30 years.
The end result is that our Business, Bureaucracy, and Political Leadership are today only capable of delivering low competency, low-performance business, economic, and social outcomes to our nation.
Such low competency, low-performance outcomes only ever make total sense to other low competency, low-performance thinkers - but make no sense at all to high competency, high-performance thinkers.
Conversely, high competency, high-performance leadership outcomes make total sense to other high-performance thinkers - but make no sense at all to low competency, low-performance thinkers.
Hence the ever-expanding great divide we encounter across business, the media, politics, and our society today.
To make matters worse, low competency, low-performance leadership only ever employ other low competency, low-performance thinkers - never high competency, high-performance thinkers - who could actually FIX problems.
Despite this, the low competency, low-performance leadership mistakenly believe that their low competency, low-performance leadership - can create high competency, high-performance system outcomes - despite blindingly clear evidence that they are only ever capable of delivering low competency, low-performance results.
“The fundamental cause of problems in the modern world is that fools and fanatics are always so cocksure and certain of themselves, while the wiser and more intelligent people are so full of doubt" - Bertrand Russell
The AIM of NOT buying Transformation (Reform) - is to: Reverse the way the Real World works.
The entire point of this low competency, low-performance leadership is to REVERSE the way the real world works. Thus, our nation is stuck in an impasse. An impasse that has reversed so much of what we know works well.
Leadership is replaced by Impotence and Inability. Knowledge and Competency is replaced by Spin and BS. Merit is replaced by Faux Merit, Demerit, and Disrespect. Ethics are replaced by Immorality and Self-Gratification. Human Competency is replaced by Self-Delusion. External Customer focus is replaced by Internal Producer focus.
The Real Economy is replaced by the Financialisation Economy. Service has been supplanted by Monetisation. Thrift is replaced by Waste. Rent-Seeking has usurped Effort. The Free Market is ousted by Monopoly & Oligopoly. The Rule of Law is replaced by Opinion and Rule of Power. Democracy is supplanted by Tyranny and Oligarchy
Real Science is replaced by Social Science or Voodoo Science. Truth is replaced by Alternate Facts, Deceit and Obfuscation. Fact is replaced by Fabrication. Common-sense is replaced by Ignorance and Stupidity. Wisdom is replaced by Folly. History is Cancelled. Majority is supplanted by Minority. The Fittest are replaced by the Unfittest.
Thus, today's blancmange, low competency, low-performance economy, and society, can only bump along at the very bottom range of possibilities - leaving everyone disappointed with the dysfunctional situation and absurdity.
Our industry leaders, our bureaucracy fat-cats, and our politicians are unable or unwilling to embark on a new path to create a far better high competency, high-performance economy, and society. Renewal is not possible.
For how could we overcome the pervasiveness of today's low competency, low-performance leadership that always kicks the can down the road for someone-else to resolve - while denying such problems even exist - much like faulty traffic signals that forever misdirect traffic to places we don't want to go as a nation?
The Result: A Modern Dystopia
· A place where real things have taken second place to imagined things.
· A place where competence has been replaced by incompetence.
· A place where nothing quite works like it should.
· A place where reality and real things are replaced by self-delusion and imitation.
· A place where low competency outcomes are 'normal' and excused as being acceptable.
· A place where renewal is neither possible, nor supported.
· A place where we are closer to failure than we are to succeed.
· A place where for the most part we wish we were somewhere better as a nation and a society.
All of this leaves our nation and its people holding out for a Resolute and Fearless Hero that will never appear.
What then is the Future?
It is clear that a better future for Australia is not possible unless there is - total disruption of today's absurd Low competency, Low-performance Leadership Status Quo. But where will that total disruption come from?
With my inbuilt hatred of Mediocrity - that is an easy answer for me.
But what about You? What will drive your desire for total disruption of the low competency Status Quo?
This is the first in a series of eight articles taken from my 4-book series.
of the rest of the industry through a succession of winning innovation.
About the Author
Gary D Stewart
Owner and Founder – Kaikaku Corporation, Lean Design Australia, and Stewart Consulting.
Consultant, Speaker, Coach, Mentor, Book Author
Ph + 61 400 888 186
Useful Links
RESTART AUSTRALIA: A Blueprint for Economic & Social Reform
A 10-year easily Executable Design to Transform the Future of our Nation's Economy and Society
How to Reform Industry, Bureaucracy, & Politics to Transform our Economy and Society.
DRAIN THE INNOVATION SWAMP: A Blueprint for Innovation System Reform
How to FIX Innovation to Create & Execute a constantly evolving new Customer Line
DRAIN THE DEFENCE SWAMP: A Blueprint for Weapons Acquisition Reform.
How to FIX every Product Development to be more Affordable, Producible and Problem-Free or