AME Announces the Lean Sensei App
Think you are lean? Wonder what defines best-in-class? How do you really rank?
Let AME's Lean Sensei app help you improve the way you improve so you can maximize your results!
The Association for Manufacturing Excellence offers the AME Lean Sensei to anyone interested in benchmarking their organization against distinguished AME Excellence Award recipient companies. AME Excellence Award recipients operate at exceptional levels of performance, setting the bar high for achieving success in the search for operational excellence. If you are interested in joining this distinguished group of recipients, the AME Lean Sensei will help you see if you’re ready to apply. If you’re not interested in applying for the AME Excellence Award, the AME Lean Sensei is still a valuable tool to help your organization identify potential areas of focus and improve the way you improve.
To learn more about the AME Excellence Award, click here.
If you have any questions about the AME Lean Sensei, please email